Saturday, 12 July 2014

Non-book Related: Teen Wolf 4x03 "Muted" Thoughts and Feels

I know.. I know.. almost a week have passed since the Muted episode and we will be having episode 4 on Monday (Tuesday here in the Philippines) but I still need to let this out because TW episode 3 was so good I have a lot of thoughts that I need to spill out.
This post is not much of a review or recap but more of what I think about the episode, what I think about season 4. As much as I love writing stuff about the things I like, I also love reading posts of other people about the things I like and from there I create thoughts of my own. Episode 3 has a lot of things going and I need to let this out.

But before that, can I just say that Muted is one of my favorite episodes of Teen Wolf along with Illuminated (3B) and Motel California (3A) and Insatiable (3B). Muted is probs their best yet, and I think everyone (myself included) missed the old shenanigans of Teen Wolf in season 1. And this episode reminds us of season 1 but better, way way better.

Let’s do this.