— City of Heavenly Fire is the 6th and final book in The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. —
Rating: 4 out 5 stars

DO NOT read City of Heavenly Fire if you haven’t read The Infernal Devices trilogy yet because you will be spoiled and you might not enjoy TID when you read it.
If you plan on reading The Infernal Devices, please, go ahead, finish Clockwork Princess first before reading CoHF.
If you have no plan on reading The Infernal Devices trilogy, why? Why would you deny yourself the beauty that is TID? WHY? They were Cassandra Clare’s best books!
If you think TMI is the best series, wait til you read TID. And if you think TMI is not a good series, wait til you read TID. You know what I mean? :D
And if I may suggest to people who are planning on reading this whole Shadowhunter series, for pure reading pleasure, read all the shadowhunters books based on their released dates.
BUT I’m not dictating anyone. It’s still up to you I’m just suggesting. :)
This, what, review maybe or feels is full of spoilers to ALL of Cassie Clare’s books, so.
Okay, let’s talk about City of Heavenly Fire!
We know we’re not really saying goodbye to the Nephilim world because we have TDA next which will dwell with Emma Carstairs and Julian Blackthorn. Hell. Yeah. Prologue. Los Angeles Institute. Emma Carstairs and Julian Blackthorn. Immediately!!! It was awesome. Right there in the prologue you knew this is going to be good. This whole book makes me super excited with The Dark Artifices. Emma and Jules already growing on me. And all the Blackthorn kids, they are so many!
I adore how Cassie maintains the voice of each of her character. Nephilimn world is such a big world, there’s so many characters and some of them cross from generations to generations like Magnus, and Raphael and Silent Brothers, etc. But Cassie was able to maintain the voice of all of her characters from the very first time we knew them. It’s so crazy and so awesome. Magnus has the same voice when we met him in City of Bones, he also has the same voice when we encounter him in The Infernal Devices, and he still has the same voice in cohf! The same for other characters. They have distinct voices because of their distinct and different personalities but idk, I like that they sound the same all this time. Like we all know Will Herondale was or is loved by many, and Jace is a Herondale but Jace didn’t sound like Will even after we know he is a Herondale. Again, awesome Cassandra Clare!
To put it in perspective, cohf solves everything? Ok, not really everything because there’s still TDA but as far as TMI is concerned, it pretty much a book of conclusion to all of TMI’s issues.
Sebastian was pretty scary. He’s literally invincible but not undefeatable. He hopped from one institute to another all over the world and slaughtered the nephilims and turned the others to Endarkened. But he can’t enter the London Institute. But of course, Lovelace. Ahhh. I was all feels whenever there is a mention of anything related to TID.
Sebastian and the Seelie Queen was disgusting. Christine from polandbananasbooks said what if Sebastian and the Seelie Queen has a child because of unprotected sex. And I was like - WTF. WHAT IF. That child will be 1/3 faerie and 1/3 demon and 1/3 shadowhunter. C’mon.
When the gang went to Edom, everything went slow. I don’t know if Edom did that or the story is really slow. I remember Battle of the Labyrinth, book 4 of PJO series. Because they can’t move forward nor they can exit. Although, my favorite part of the book happened there. LOL it’s not the sex scene of Jace and Clary. My favorite was when they all noticed that Simon was hungry and the question of who he will be getting blood from. It was so funny. Never thought Alec could be funny. Or when they teased him, it’s so fun because he’s all serious and his friends are not so much. LOL
Alec. He was adorbs in this book. I kinda like him in this book. He’s taking charge of his friends because he’s older. He’s quite serious because he’s older. But he’s vulnerable and hopeless romantic. And I like when he is being teased by his friends. I like him and Magnus together. Ahhh
Magnus. We get to know his father!! Although tbh, it didn’t make an impact that he is his father. I mean, so? Why was it kept for so long? So what if his father is one of the 9 Princes of Hell? I mean. I don’t understand. Yeah?
Simon. Please. He has more lives than a cat. LOL. Although I didn’t expect for him to volunteer as tribute to Edom. And what Magnus’ father did to him. But my major wtf moment in cohf was when Simon is to become ascended to become a shadowhunter. Why. I’m not a fan of Simon, btw. I don’t have this emotional investment toward him. Because for me I think he hasn’t done enough to deserve where he is right now and people give him high regards. I mean, I’m sorry if you’re a fan of Simon. This is just my opinion.
Moving on.
The vampires and werewolves. I don’t know where were they when the Endarkened army attacked Idris. I thought they agreed that they will side with the Nephilims. But I didn’t hear from them when Idris was atracked. Given that a great number of werewolves was murdered by Sebastian.
Faeries are not to be trusted. Check. I just hope the Seelie Queen was dead already.
Izzy became a “girl” since she and Simon started dating. We don’t see her fight like a bad ass anymore.
Clary sometimes annoys me (most of the time actually). Because she’s such a drama queen. But I really like when she said to jace after the fire blaze, “Trust me.” I don’t have any clue or theory as to what their plan is but it’s so freaking awesome when it pulled through. Judas Kiss is my favorite chapter because Clary was awesome there. You know she’s not doing it without a plan, she knew it. She figured it out!!!
I never thought though that Jonathan Morgenstern will emerge after Clary stabbed Sebastian with her blade full of Heavenly Fire. Apparently, the heavenly fire killed the demon in him like what it did to Brother Zachariah. And for one second, I want him alive. But you know he’s done enough damage so.
And can we talk about Brother Zachariah.
The heavenly fire killed the demon inside Jem. And it’s freaking awesome! This news is not new, we know a lot of theories about it. And it’s okay. But having Jem here in TMI makes me feel the feels of TID once again.
If anything, this book just makes me so intrigued with his connection to Emma. They’re both Carstairs and Emma is I think the last Carstairs? But I think the connection is more than them being related? I can’t wait.
Freaking Tessa Gray was there in the epilogue. And she didn’t talk to Jace. And why Cassandra Clare. Why.
Jace Wayland. Jace Morgenstern. Jace Lightwood. Jace Herondale.
I don’t know about you but Jace is my favorite character in TMI. I’m not really a fan of him but yeah, he’s my favorite character. He’s funny and bad ass and strong and vulnerable. I don’t like him when he’s affectionate with Clary. Their tandem kinda don’t work for me. Can’t feel it to my bones. LOLZ. I don’t like him now that I’m picturing Jamie Campbell-Bower whenever I’m reading Jace. Ahh. Ruined.
He brought a freaking condom in Edom!!!
I don’t know why that specific scene stuck with me but it’s definitely hilarious that despite their situation you know being in Edom and all they were being responsible teens. It’s a funny scene when Clary heard a foil. Ahhhh take that scene out of my brain!!!!
And then we have the very long epilogue that was Luke and Jocelyn's wedding. Which was pretty fairytale-ish like to me.
I was expecting some major character to die. I expected Jace to die eventhough I don’t like it because he’s the last Herondale or something. I expected Clary’s parents to die as well.
City of Heavenly Fire was pretty much what was everyone expected it to be. To kill the enemy and solve other issues from the past books. It didn’t feel like an ending. It should be though. Altho we all know there’s TDA but we should feel like it’s an ending like Clockwork Princess. It feels like we have COHF to introduce TDA.
Clockwork Princess is still my favorite then Clockwork Prince, Clockwork Angel.
In TMI, my favorite is City of Glass, then CoHF, City of Bones, CoFA, City of Ashes then City of Lost Souls.
Next year we will have the first book in the new Shadowhunter series, The Dark Artifices or TDA. Lady Midnight (TDA #1) will come out Fall of 2015. And OMG I AM EXCITED!!!
This is an unfair world where after you bought the book, you will know that there’s not just one exclusive edition, but two. First exclusive edition is the CoHF published by Walker. There is a brief comic strip at the back where there is a clip of Jem and Tessa’s wedding. And told by the ghosts of Jessie Lovelace and Will Herondale. YES. WILL HERONDALE. WAA
Comic Strip 1 of 2 :from CoHF UK Edition (Walker) http://mortalacademy.tumblr.com/post/…
The other exclusive edition is from Walmart which won’t be released internationally. It also contain a comic strip when the Blackthorns are going back to Los Angeles through a Portal.
Comic Strip 2 of 2 (from CoHF Walmart Edition):
Visit Cassandra Clare on Tumblr, she posts a lot of spoilery stuff about CoHF and shadowhunters.. For your reading pleasure =)
Thanks for reading this!
Rating: 4 out 5 stars

DO NOT read City of Heavenly Fire if you haven’t read The Infernal Devices trilogy yet because you will be spoiled and you might not enjoy TID when you read it.
If you plan on reading The Infernal Devices, please, go ahead, finish Clockwork Princess first before reading CoHF.
If you have no plan on reading The Infernal Devices trilogy, why? Why would you deny yourself the beauty that is TID? WHY? They were Cassandra Clare’s best books!
If you think TMI is the best series, wait til you read TID. And if you think TMI is not a good series, wait til you read TID. You know what I mean? :D
And if I may suggest to people who are planning on reading this whole Shadowhunter series, for pure reading pleasure, read all the shadowhunters books based on their released dates.
- City of Bones
- City of Ashes
- City of Glass
- Clockwork Angel
- City of Fallen Angels
- Clockwork Prince
- City of Lost Souls
- Clockwork Princess
- City of Heavenly Fire
BUT I’m not dictating anyone. It’s still up to you I’m just suggesting. :)
This, what, review maybe or feels is full of spoilers to ALL of Cassie Clare’s books, so.
Okay, let’s talk about City of Heavenly Fire!
We know we’re not really saying goodbye to the Nephilim world because we have TDA next which will dwell with Emma Carstairs and Julian Blackthorn. Hell. Yeah. Prologue. Los Angeles Institute. Emma Carstairs and Julian Blackthorn. Immediately!!! It was awesome. Right there in the prologue you knew this is going to be good. This whole book makes me super excited with The Dark Artifices. Emma and Jules already growing on me. And all the Blackthorn kids, they are so many!
I adore how Cassie maintains the voice of each of her character. Nephilimn world is such a big world, there’s so many characters and some of them cross from generations to generations like Magnus, and Raphael and Silent Brothers, etc. But Cassie was able to maintain the voice of all of her characters from the very first time we knew them. It’s so crazy and so awesome. Magnus has the same voice when we met him in City of Bones, he also has the same voice when we encounter him in The Infernal Devices, and he still has the same voice in cohf! The same for other characters. They have distinct voices because of their distinct and different personalities but idk, I like that they sound the same all this time. Like we all know Will Herondale was or is loved by many, and Jace is a Herondale but Jace didn’t sound like Will even after we know he is a Herondale. Again, awesome Cassandra Clare!
To put it in perspective, cohf solves everything? Ok, not really everything because there’s still TDA but as far as TMI is concerned, it pretty much a book of conclusion to all of TMI’s issues.
Sebastian was pretty scary. He’s literally invincible but not undefeatable. He hopped from one institute to another all over the world and slaughtered the nephilims and turned the others to Endarkened. But he can’t enter the London Institute. But of course, Lovelace. Ahhh. I was all feels whenever there is a mention of anything related to TID.
Sebastian and the Seelie Queen was disgusting. Christine from polandbananasbooks said what if Sebastian and the Seelie Queen has a child because of unprotected sex. And I was like - WTF. WHAT IF. That child will be 1/3 faerie and 1/3 demon and 1/3 shadowhunter. C’mon.
When the gang went to Edom, everything went slow. I don’t know if Edom did that or the story is really slow. I remember Battle of the Labyrinth, book 4 of PJO series. Because they can’t move forward nor they can exit. Although, my favorite part of the book happened there. LOL it’s not the sex scene of Jace and Clary. My favorite was when they all noticed that Simon was hungry and the question of who he will be getting blood from. It was so funny. Never thought Alec could be funny. Or when they teased him, it’s so fun because he’s all serious and his friends are not so much. LOL
Alec. He was adorbs in this book. I kinda like him in this book. He’s taking charge of his friends because he’s older. He’s quite serious because he’s older. But he’s vulnerable and hopeless romantic. And I like when he is being teased by his friends. I like him and Magnus together. Ahhh
Magnus. We get to know his father!! Although tbh, it didn’t make an impact that he is his father. I mean, so? Why was it kept for so long? So what if his father is one of the 9 Princes of Hell? I mean. I don’t understand. Yeah?
Simon. Please. He has more lives than a cat. LOL. Although I didn’t expect for him to volunteer as tribute to Edom. And what Magnus’ father did to him. But my major wtf moment in cohf was when Simon is to become ascended to become a shadowhunter. Why. I’m not a fan of Simon, btw. I don’t have this emotional investment toward him. Because for me I think he hasn’t done enough to deserve where he is right now and people give him high regards. I mean, I’m sorry if you’re a fan of Simon. This is just my opinion.
Moving on.
The vampires and werewolves. I don’t know where were they when the Endarkened army attacked Idris. I thought they agreed that they will side with the Nephilims. But I didn’t hear from them when Idris was atracked. Given that a great number of werewolves was murdered by Sebastian.
Faeries are not to be trusted. Check. I just hope the Seelie Queen was dead already.
Izzy became a “girl” since she and Simon started dating. We don’t see her fight like a bad ass anymore.
Clary sometimes annoys me (most of the time actually). Because she’s such a drama queen. But I really like when she said to jace after the fire blaze, “Trust me.” I don’t have any clue or theory as to what their plan is but it’s so freaking awesome when it pulled through. Judas Kiss is my favorite chapter because Clary was awesome there. You know she’s not doing it without a plan, she knew it. She figured it out!!!
I never thought though that Jonathan Morgenstern will emerge after Clary stabbed Sebastian with her blade full of Heavenly Fire. Apparently, the heavenly fire killed the demon in him like what it did to Brother Zachariah. And for one second, I want him alive. But you know he’s done enough damage so.
And can we talk about Brother Zachariah.
The heavenly fire killed the demon inside Jem. And it’s freaking awesome! This news is not new, we know a lot of theories about it. And it’s okay. But having Jem here in TMI makes me feel the feels of TID once again.
If anything, this book just makes me so intrigued with his connection to Emma. They’re both Carstairs and Emma is I think the last Carstairs? But I think the connection is more than them being related? I can’t wait.
Freaking Tessa Gray was there in the epilogue. And she didn’t talk to Jace. And why Cassandra Clare. Why.
Jace Wayland. Jace Morgenstern. Jace Lightwood. Jace Herondale.
I don’t know about you but Jace is my favorite character in TMI. I’m not really a fan of him but yeah, he’s my favorite character. He’s funny and bad ass and strong and vulnerable. I don’t like him when he’s affectionate with Clary. Their tandem kinda don’t work for me. Can’t feel it to my bones. LOLZ. I don’t like him now that I’m picturing Jamie Campbell-Bower whenever I’m reading Jace. Ahh. Ruined.
He brought a freaking condom in Edom!!!
I don’t know why that specific scene stuck with me but it’s definitely hilarious that despite their situation you know being in Edom and all they were being responsible teens. It’s a funny scene when Clary heard a foil. Ahhhh take that scene out of my brain!!!!
And then we have the very long epilogue that was Luke and Jocelyn's wedding. Which was pretty fairytale-ish like to me.
I was expecting some major character to die. I expected Jace to die eventhough I don’t like it because he’s the last Herondale or something. I expected Clary’s parents to die as well.
City of Heavenly Fire was pretty much what was everyone expected it to be. To kill the enemy and solve other issues from the past books. It didn’t feel like an ending. It should be though. Altho we all know there’s TDA but we should feel like it’s an ending like Clockwork Princess. It feels like we have COHF to introduce TDA.
Clockwork Princess is still my favorite then Clockwork Prince, Clockwork Angel.
In TMI, my favorite is City of Glass, then CoHF, City of Bones, CoFA, City of Ashes then City of Lost Souls.
Next year we will have the first book in the new Shadowhunter series, The Dark Artifices or TDA. Lady Midnight (TDA #1) will come out Fall of 2015. And OMG I AM EXCITED!!!
This is an unfair world where after you bought the book, you will know that there’s not just one exclusive edition, but two. First exclusive edition is the CoHF published by Walker. There is a brief comic strip at the back where there is a clip of Jem and Tessa’s wedding. And told by the ghosts of Jessie Lovelace and Will Herondale. YES. WILL HERONDALE. WAA
Comic Strip 1 of 2 :from CoHF UK Edition (Walker) http://mortalacademy.tumblr.com/post/…
The other exclusive edition is from Walmart which won’t be released internationally. It also contain a comic strip when the Blackthorns are going back to Los Angeles through a Portal.
Comic Strip 2 of 2 (from CoHF Walmart Edition):
Visit Cassandra Clare on Tumblr, she posts a lot of spoilery stuff about CoHF and shadowhunters.. For your reading pleasure =)
Thanks for reading this!
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