Saturday, 12 July 2014

Non-book Related: Teen Wolf 4x03 "Muted" Thoughts and Feels

I know.. I know.. almost a week have passed since the Muted episode and we will be having episode 4 on Monday (Tuesday here in the Philippines) but I still need to let this out because TW episode 3 was so good I have a lot of thoughts that I need to spill out.
This post is not much of a review or recap but more of what I think about the episode, what I think about season 4. As much as I love writing stuff about the things I like, I also love reading posts of other people about the things I like and from there I create thoughts of my own. Episode 3 has a lot of things going and I need to let this out.

But before that, can I just say that Muted is one of my favorite episodes of Teen Wolf along with Illuminated (3B) and Motel California (3A) and Insatiable (3B). Muted is probs their best yet, and I think everyone (myself included) missed the old shenanigans of Teen Wolf in season 1. And this episode reminds us of season 1 but better, way way better.

Let’s do this.

My thoughts on The Mute.
He was creepy! I thought he looked like Lord Voldemort! What is him anyway? What kind of supernatural he is? Seriously though and this has been going on everywhere, a lot of viewers are wondering if he was the Benefactor or if he was just hired by the Benefactor to kill the family of Wendigos. But no fret, we will know this whole Benefactor thing on episode 4.
On new characters.
In Teen Wolf land, new character spells bad news. It’s a trend. Until Deputy Parrish which is still his own self up to this episode. I’m not sure what’s in store for Parrish or what he really is but I’m convinced he’s something else. There’s something about him because he doesn’t seem innocent or as dense as Agent McCall in all Beacon Hills business with supernatural.

First we got Sean Wolcott, one of the Wendigos. I thought at first that he’ll be a regular but then he was killed by The Mute at the end! I’m not sure if we will meet another wendigos clan. And if ever we don’t, what’s the purpose of killing the family of Wendigos anyway? I’m guessing so we will be introduced how powerful (?) the Benefactor is? I’m not sure.
Liam and Garrett are the two new students (freshmen) of Beacon Hills High School. Liam apparently is like Jackson, personality-wise and he plays Lacrosse well. So well that Stiles and Scott are a bit territorial about their place in the team. Garrett, I don’t mind. But I don’t trust Liam. Almost all the viewers have positive feedback on Liam because he’s such a cutie. I’m not one of them. There’s something about him I can’t point out. Plus, he was kicked out in his previous school so that’s saying something. Maybe, just maybe, Stiles has a correct instinct about him as Stiles keep saying “I hate this kid”. But yeah, with that ending, that will turn things in different direction. Will Liam be a werewolf? Or some worse than kanima or were-jaguar or if Stiles is right, were-cheetah? Because it will reflect who he really is as a person, we all know that. Interesting.

The new doctor in BH Hospital. Who apparently is Liam’s stepdad. There’s nothing much to say about him, maybe on the next episodes, though.
On Lacrosse practice.
That was the best Lacrosse practice ever. Ever. Ever. I’m just wondering did the other players from last last season graduate already? If not, WHERE THE HELL WERE THEY? Those on the field were all new faces. And I mean, DANNY WHERE ARE YOU?
Stiles was so funny as ever. God, I love him. And Scott and Stiles’ dynamic were so awesome!
As I’ve said, best Lacrosse practice ever.

On Ship and OTPs.
This got the most response from viewers. Most of them moan and rant over Stalia because they ship Stydia or Sterek (which is weird). Stalia jsut had the best cutesy and sweetest moments they ever had since Echo House.

We have a lot of OTP in this episode:

Draeden – Not an official OTP name but, yeah, it’s Derek+Breaden. Which was surprising but not surprising at all. I don’t think it will last long though. Derek has bigger fish to fry to have a girlfriend! He just needs to get laid once in a while.
Sherriff Stilinski + Melissa McCall – I ship I ship I ship.

Scira – Tbh, when Scott and Allison first dated, I don’t ship them. At all. Because they were all consumed by their feelings that I kinda don’t feel it. I don’t even like Allison at first. But I got really invested with Allison when they broke up and she started to become bad ass. And god, I miss her. Now, I’m having the same issue with Kira. I don’t like her. I don’t like her for Scott. To be fair, Scira has sparks the first time they met and that was when Allison was still alive. Allison kinda “okayed” it in some way during Illuminated. I don’t know why I don’t ship Scira, probably the big part is because of Allison but I have to think that it’s been too long since she and Scott broke up, so it’s okay. We’ll see.
Deputy Parrish + Lydia – I thought I was the only one who noticed the chemistry. But apparently, everyone did. The chemistry was seriously exploding around these two characters that were unexpectedly present at the same location. Not sure where this will lead us because he’s a deputy and she’s a student.

Stydia – I ship Stydia because that’s what Stiles wants before. I like Stiles and Lydia as individual characters and of course since I knew that Stiles has a major long overdue crush on her, I automatically ship them because why not. They are both amazing and smart. The thing is, I ship Stiles with whomever as long as he likes her and she likes him back. The thing is people feel bad because Lydia wasn’t the apple of Stiles’ eyes anymore. But did anyone think if Stiles ever been Lydia’s apple of the eye? Before, she didn’t even notice him. And Lydia loves Jackson. And until she feels something more for Stiles, I’ll ship anyone who’ll make Stiles feel like he’s wanted, or loved, or that would make him feel great because he deserve it.

And that is..

Stalia – I probably don’t like Malia as an individual character. But her moments with Stiles in this episode kinda endeard her to me. And did I just say it was the most cutesy, sweetest moments they ever had since Echo House in 3B. Stiles is so great I love him. I feel him. Whenever I see some cutesy-romancey thing, I feel what I’ve been missing out and it’s Stiles. Or Dylan O’Brien. LOL. Jk. As what I’ve said, I ship anyone who will make him feel like he’s wanted, and that is Malia.
The look on Stiles’ face when he realized the string color coding he did in 3B is the same with Malia’s highlighting of notes was so priceless I WANT TO TAKE HIM HOME. (Duh)

On Mathematics.
Now, a lot of viewers could relate to Malia when it comes to Math. Probs Malia gained a lot of fans because Malia doesn’t like Math maybe because she’s struggling with it.
This was probably the first time I moan for Stydia. When Stiles demean Math in Lydia’s earshot knowing it’s Lydia’s favorite subject and she’s actually good at it. It’s disappointing when someone close to you demean the things you love and enjoy, much more at something you’re good at. I know it’s sarcasm on Stiles’ part and probably want to somehow make Malia feel good. But still.
I’m not a Math geek that’s for sure but I happen to like Math. And when Malia asked Stiles what’s the secret why Math is impossible for her and easy for Stiles and others, it’s probably because of Lydia’s notes, but really, it’s important to have a good foundation on Math. Because Math as you go along your education, gets harder and more complicated.
I just wish Lydia said Finance as one of the essential application of Math because I think that’s we’re headed in this season what’s with bearer bonds being stolen and overdue bills and stuff.

Hey, and then I got into thinking that TW somehow tackles academic subjects in their show.
Season 1 – Chemistry
Season 2 – Gym
Season 3A – Literature
Season 3B – History
Season 4 – Mathematics

On my favorite pack.
Derek – Like us, he had no clue why his eyes became yellow but at least we know that he’s aware of it, he’s aware that yellow is not really the color of his eyes. So he’s back but he’s not really back. I’m not sure if it’s just me or he just had short airtime exposure but he seemed out of his usual character. He snapped at Peter, he’s suddenly vain (?) looking at his reflection in sunglasses. I hope we’ll figure about what happened to him when Kate got her.
Lydia – Lydia is my favorite female character in Teen Wolf since she “joined” Scott’s pack. I really like how she process things, and how she thinks. I like that Scott rely on her brain power. I like that we’re also figuring out her whole Banshee powers like how she is figuring it out herself. That’s why it saddens me that she’s alone all of a sudden. Well of course, Scott, Stiles are there but you know, her “own pack” was just wasn’t there – Jackson, Allison, and Ethan. These are the only people, plus Scott and Stiles, who would risk their lives for her. And, ugh. Anyway, why did he call Scott first when she saw dead people and not Stiles? And can I just say that her Banshee power is getting creepier and creepier.
Stiles – Stiles is my favorite character ever. And I’m so glad he’s back and more of himself now than last season when he’s possessed by Nogitsune which was the most insane season TW has ever captured. So far. I really really miss the classic antics of Stiles so I’m enjoying his every scene since episode 1 of season 4! And I will continue to just enjoy him. LOL. I don’t have any theory where his character is headed. He’ll continue to be the brain and source of reason for the pack, and that’s a heavy responsibility. Although, what’s with the strings in the title card anyway? Is that saying something? Dying to find out.
Scott – Scott is awesome since episode 1 of season 4. He got the “focus” back on him since 3B kinda focused on Nogitsune. And I’m so glad he’s back and that he’s bad ass. It’s endearing when he cares for people way too much than he’s supposed to. But Stiles is right, it’s okay to want something for yourself, you’re still human. And that’s why I’m so happy that Scott’s pack is loyal to him and will support his cause 5ever! I don’t know what it’ll cost him biting Liam. I’m not sure what’s the deal with Calaveras because I don’t think the Calaveras knocked on Hale’s house when Peter bit Scott.

Looking good so far this season 4. Highly entertaining. Almost everything is still hazy, but we will get there, just go with it.

Credit to emilywatchestoomuchtelevision for some pics, others from google.

Thanks for reading! Happy Teen Wolfing!

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