Let's start!
July Book Haul
This is probably my biggest book haul in a month, ever.
I've acquired 10 books this month and 4 individual-chapter comics.
Since DC Comics is doing a rebirth of its DC Universe and I'm a massive The Flash fan (I mean, the TV series), I thought it's time to introduce myself to comics.
So I bought the The Flash Rebirth and its series - Lightning Strikes Twice which will be a bi-monthly release.
Fully Booked has a month-long celebration of their birthday and as a "tradition" they always have this Annual Atrium Sale. The sale will be for the whole month of July where books are priced for as low as Php50 (or US$1.00). I got these for lovely books for a very cheap price of Php400 (or US$8.33) for all of them.
Of course, the books included in the July Fairy Loot box, which I have made an unboxing post if you haven't seen it yet, go check it out here.
And last but definitely not the least, these 4 books!
I got And I Darken and Crown's Game during Fully Booked's Birthday Sale.
Currently reading And I Darken and it's really interesting. Quite slow for me but I'm waiting for it to pick up the pace. =)
I got This Savage Song in Powerbooks - this has just been delivered to the branch and I immediately bought it after I received a text that they already have stocks. I was so intrigued by it - a lot of people seem to like this book.
And the last book I bought was More Happy Than Not - this is a hype buy. I've been meaning to buy this book for quite awhile and when I saw it in the book store, I just can't help myself so I bought the book. #storyofourlives
July Wrap Up
I read 8 books and 1 comics this month and let me just get into it.
First, I started reading One Day by David Nicholls in last part of June and only managed to finish it at the start of July, so.
I posted a review here. Guys, I LOVE THIS BOOK. SO MUCH.
One Day by David Nicholls: 5/5 stars
Next, I finished (finally!) The Revenge of Seven and The Fate of Ten. I have this book for a while and I know I had to read it this month because the last and final book came out this month, too. Good thing, that I finished them because my former boss (who is a fan of the series and the one who's giving me the books) asked me I read United As One and I told her not yet because I just finished The Fate of Ten. We talked about it for a bit during our elevator ride and yeah, I was glad I finished the 2 books.
Eventhough, I admit, I'm not a fan of this series. It's not interesting enough for me. But it's probably because I used audiobooks instead of reading it in actual books - maybe, just maybe it affected my feels towards the story.
The Revenge of Seven by Pittacus Lore: 2/5 stars
The Fate of Ten by Pittacus Lore: 1/5 stars
I read the The Flash Rebirth, which is the continuation of the DC Universe Rebirth focusing on The Flash story and an introduction to the Lightning Strikes Twice 2016 series.
The Flash 2016 Rebirth #1 by Joshua Williamson: 5/5 stars
Next, I've read You Know Me Well by Nina LaCour and David Levithan thru an ebook.
It was a bit dry. Too good to be true. And I have a little issue with La Cour's characters and how it's written. Oftentimes, her characters seem soft spoken and shy but then her characters became suddenly bold because it's convenient to a particular event in the book. I'm not a fan of that inconsistency.
You Know Me Well by Nina La Cour and David Levithan: 2/5 stars
This book is amazing and interesting and unique and thrilling and so rich!!
It's one of the books that I can't totally describe how I liked it unless you read it and see for yourself.
This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab: 5/5 stars
I've tried to read this book a couple times and a couple times I failed to finish it - I usually managed 50 pages or so and then I quit because the character's annoying and cry for no reason and I hate that - one of my pet peeves in books!
But then I tried again this month, and boy oh boy, I really liked it!!!
It was short and a bit cliffhanger and argh, I plan on buying the book on September and the waiting!!
I like how it's light and fluffy and just it. It is what it is. There are character development which I liked very much. But really, that ending!!
To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han: 4/5 stars
I've never heard of this manga until Jesse from jessethereader talked about it. I was immediately intrigued. Plus because I haven't read manga before so I really liked to try. But, man, didn't realize mangas are expensive. But I've downloaded an app where I can stream read mangas. I'm not sure it's legit or I don't know, maybe not. But I've read Orange Volumes 1-5 there and it was so addicting.

This is the complete collection of Orange by Ichigo Takano.
The story begins when Naho received a letter from her future self 10 years after and give her a mission to change the current situation so she could prevent an event to happen that time to save herself from regrets. I like this but I don't really love this. It's addicting to read. But I don't like that the story is a bit self-absorbed. But either way, it's enjoyable and I like the friendship. Definitely a good experience reading manga for the first time.
Orange (The Complete Collection 1) by Ichigo Takano: 3.5/5 stars
Orange (The Complete Collection 2) by Ichigo Takano: 4/5 stars
August TBR
I almost checked all my planned TBR for July except for Saga #36 and P.S. I Like You because it's not available yet in the book store.
So, for August, let me see..
- Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by JK Rowling (if I get a copy)
- Crown's Game by Evelyn Skye
- Frostblood by Elly Blake
- Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo
Thanks for reading this!
Love, Kaye =)
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