Thursday 22 October 2015


*In Harry’s voice* There are 5 things that I love most about One Direction.
And these are also the reasons why I became a fan, why I’m a fan, why I’m still a fan and most probably why I will be their fan forever.


Really good, quality music that I could listen on repeat without being tired of the song. I’m not just talking about the singles, but I’m talking about all the tracks in all of their albums.
I’ve tried listening to other music artists before One Direction but after listening for a while it loses its magic and doesn’t appeal to me anymore. While with 1D, I’ve listened to Up All Night countless of times and I wasn’t even a fan then!

I’m saying this for all of their album; Take Me Home, Midnight Memories, and Four (except the upcoming one: Made in the A.M. because I haven’t heard the whole album yet); I will try my best to describe my experience with their music (I’m not good with words).

The melodies are catchy. They write really good lyrics! The lyrics are not cliché or cheesy. The music definitely is not cheesy (except probably for UAN but it wasn’t cheesy during its time). Their voices give me feels.It’s not messy. They harmonize – they have different voices and it’s clear when they sing their own part but they harmonize. Listening to their songs is like a happy place where you can just sit and listen and chill and feel good about yourself and your surroundings. I like how each album has different sound but still recognizable without scaring off fans. Their songs never get old - it’s like going in an old record store and finding a vintage album and when you play it even in the modern time and the music still fits.
All I want to say really is that they have REALLY GOOD MUSIC (because they have good music taste) to offer and that they are all talented in terms of singing, song writing, composing, and performing.

I’m always excited with 1D’s new songs and I will wake up (or stay woke) even in the middle of the night (or wee hours of the morning) just to buy their new song/s so I could hear it at the time of release even though it will still be available in the morning. The euphoria and excitement of downloading a new song at its time of release is wonderful and hearing it the first time… it’s indescribable. I probably won’t be like this to any other artists other than 1D.

By the way, while we’re at it, I love all of their albums but my favorites are Four and Midnight Memories.

1D’s music never loses its magic even after hearing it for like the nth time. Fans stay because of their music.

There are people who you think or know that are funny but you don’t actually laugh out loud with their jokes. You think they’re funny because they say funny remarks/stuff.

When I watched their videos before I don’t actually know what I’m looking for or what do I expect from them because I really have no expectation as I don’t know anything about them that time.

But if there’s one thing that surprised me, it is knowing and realizing that they are very funny. They aren’t comedians but man, they are so funny. Maybe their sense of humor matches mine because I always find myself laughing out loud whenever they do something funny.
3 years after being their fan, I still find their jokes funny and they and their dorkiness never fail to make me laugh.

Personally, I like funny people. I like it when people make me laugh and I like it even more when I can make people laugh.
So, for me, sense of humor is very important and the way they are consistent about it goes to show it’s their true personality. Like they also want to have fun and have a good laugh.

But the thing is, it’s not just the boys that are funny. The whole fandom is on the same level of funny. The memes, the jokes, the funny remarks are circulating inside the fandom and it’s just fun.

I think what they’ve shown us in TXF was who they truly are as a person and you can still that in them. They’re very down to earth and good-natured.

I think what I admire most from them is that media (and their team) sold us a different personality of them but as a fan it’s easy to see past that because it’s not what who they are, it’s not what they’ve shown us and you can see that on how they deal with their families, siblings, old friends and new acquaintances, and strangers. Like they more than the person we see on stage or TV or video, etc. They are also all clever.

And of course more than anything, their group chemistry, their friendship is what keeping everything around them together. Like no matter what challenges they faced as an artists and celebrities (and probably in their personal lives), like they have each other. I don’t know… The fate that brought them together and how well they’ve adjusted to each other and that they actually like each other’s personalities/characters and they became friends immediately,it’s just one in a million.

Their friendship is also what I’m here for. They are magic. Taratatatataratata.

 They are passionate in what they do. They know what they are doing. They know what they can give. They know what they can contribute. They have delivered more than what is expected because they are professionals. They make themselves better in their field. I don’t know what else to say, I admire their dedication to work. You can see they really like what they do. (But Modest and Syco still need to go. Oops.)

Okay… okay… this is included. I mean, why will it not be included, right?
All 5 of them are handsome and hot and OMG. Yes, their looks. I became a fan in 2012, and that was the time they are in transition from boys to guys. Because have you seen them during TXF? Lol. They’re cute. But now, they are all handsome.
Have you seen them live? OMG. They’re more handsome in person.

Thank you for reading this!

Love, Kaye

(I do not own all the pics I posted above. Credit to the owners)

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